We are 23 days into the New Year, by now, most people have stopped working towards their New Year’s Resolutions or goals already. The hype over the holidays is real for the upcoming year; we aspire to great things, but then we get into January, reality hits, it actually takes work and discipline, we think we don’t have time, we lose our focus or we just forget about what we actually wanted.
“My motivation has worn off”
But, so has everyone else’s.
So why do SOME succeed?
Some succeed while others falter because some realize motivation is the trigger to get you started, but after that is action that keeps you going.
Motivation is like the release of the parachute, you pull it once, then you don’t need that anymore, after that, it’s useless.
You use motivation to decide to change, to set a plan in place, to make the call. After that, it’s action, it’s DOING.
Once you know the things you need to do, you keep making yourself do them and have some sort of system in place to check to see if you are indeed still doing that thing. The more you take action, the stronger your discipline will be for taking said actions.
For me, I hire someone who will hold my feet to the fire, someone who I have to report back to, to check in with, someone who will expedite my results exponentially. I’m pretty disciplined and I can figure out a lot on my own, but if someone has the path created and will help hold me to it to help me get to where I want to go faster, sign me up. It’s also really fun working with someone directly and creating that bond. I have had many coaches over the years and don’t regret a single one.
If you are a member, you have already taken the first step and are a part of the Lair team equipped with a great team of coaches who do care dearly for you and your success! We are always here to help beyond the workout floor.
Mission Nutrition
If you are looking for a little more specific help with fuelling your workouts better, gaining more energy for your day, or improving your body composition, we have coaches who can help speed that up for you:
You can work with one of our certified nutrition coaches who work with clients one on one (online/remotely) to help them reach their health/body composition goals and fitness/performance goals through our program Mission Nutrition. Mission Nutrition has 2 programs: “Macro Tracking” as well as a “Lifestyle”. Macro Tracking is the most precise program requiring food tracking. Lifestyle is a more habits based approach to better eating and lifestyle habits. Our Lifestyle program can develop into macro tracking if the client is ready or can be done completely without weighing/measuring food. You will learn a ton through both programs through working with a coach.
To get started, click here
Personal Training
We also offer Personal Training with a certified coach to help you with your specific goal.
If you are unsure for your technique with your exercise movements whether you are a member or not, you can do 30 min skill sessions to improve that!
If you have a fat loss goal, muscle gain goal, want to build strength in a specific area, build up endurance, or have some achy knees, you can work with a coach who would build a program just for you and work with your schedule.
We also offer small group training if you like that individualized approach but still enjoy to train with others.
If this interests you, click here
How is it going?
If you had big aspirations this year and see them faltering already, reach out to us, ask us for help and we would be happy to! The best way to do so is to book a Free Intro and we can make a plan best suited for you! You can do that HERE
What were your goals for 2023 and how are you making out? Are you on a path for success or disappointment?
If you have started to slip, now is the time to get refocused, it’s not too late and if you regain momentum!
This could be the action you take to gain the self confidence that you need to achieve your goals.
Each time we pick ourselves up and keep going is a time that only makes us more sure of ourself and helps us grow!
-Coach Lindsey Barber