It’s the end of January now, the New Year’s motivation has worn off, so how are we doing?
This tends to be the time that most people’s motivation has waned and are getting caught up in their old ways of doing things and letting life run them.
Reset your intention, check your north star.
What is it?
Where do you want to go?
Who do you want to be?
What do you WANT?
Are you doing anything to move yourself in that direction?
Intention is great, we need it to know where we are going but we need to continuously check to see if we are actually taking action to move ourselves toward our goal.
Small changes add up. Don’t underestimate the power of 1% better each day or how much of an impact just 30 min a day working towards something can be.
Spend 30 minutes every day doing something that is in alignment with your goal
Spend 30 min doing any of these actions and if you do it, mark a check mark on your calendar to build your confidence and show yourself that you are indeed taking action – this will add up to major improvements over time and will lead to you living a healthier lifestyle, bit by bit.
What was your intention? How can you spend 30 min each day doing something that moves you towards that?
Write down a brain dump list. Start with categories and then write down all the things that pertain to that category. Now you have a master list to choose from.
Do you have a health and fitness goal? Here are some ideas:
- Categories: Move, Mindset, Eat, Manage (stress, sleep), Prepare.
- Go for a walk, plan your meals, grocery shop off a list, do a workout, meal prep, book a strategy session at the Lair to make a plan to execute, choose a healthier choice when out with friends, create a bedtime routine, make a meal plan, watch a motivation video, etc. Each day, do ONE thing that moves you in that direction.
- Habit stack this daily review onto something you already do. You need to track it to make sure you are actually doing it. If you have a cup of coffee every morning, ask yourself, “What action can I take today that will move me toward my goal? Every night when you brush your teeth, check it off if you did it. Have a paper by the sink or even notes in your phone with a daily calendar reminder – something easy and obvious to remind you to do it.
If you had great intentions but are struggling to follow through already, maybe you need more than intentions and a plan, maybe you need accountability.
Hire a coach – This is the fastest way to achieve your goals. The one-on-one attention can make all the difference. They take out the guesswork and you can put that stress and uncertainty if you are doing the right things on them, you just follow the plan and lean on them for support when this shit gets hard. As it will. We have a whole amazing team ready and willing to help you get to the next step. Book your Free Intro HERE to chat
If you are a member, you already have the team of the Lair to help you with your workout needs. If you are struggling to show up consistently, book a strategy session HERE. It’s free and part of your membership, it’s simply a chat to see if you are on the right track and if not, what we can do to help you get there.
If you want more 1-on-1 attention with your food intake, mindset, and lifestyle habits, ask us about our personalized coaching programs to help you with that.
Make the most out of these winter months and don’t just let the time pass!