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Jardi’s Success Story

From beginnings in our Ladies Resistance Class and our nutrition program, Mission Nutrition, Jardi aimed to achieve goals towards getting in shape, living a healthier lifestyle and weight loss. Aesthetic goals aside, her goals were for the love for riding and the desire to return to a level of athleticism within her passion which drove her to join these programs and embrace the lifestyle changes.

From improved energy, 50lbs lost, newfound strength, and a new appreciation of just how much protein the body needs to be properly fuelled, Jardi even started to become a regular fixture in CrossFit classes, something she never thought she would be doing when she started in the Ladies Resistance Training Classes 3 years ago!

The new year has already been a successful one, with being a valuable teammate and crushing her workouts during the Fitness Lair Intramural 2024 Open, frequenting regular classes in both CrossFit and Ladies resistance, to getting the whole family involved- Her happy face and determination to continue building muscle is a welcome fixture for members and coaches alike! 

Of course, any change in routine and rhythm doesn’t come with some hesitation. 

“ I was nervous that I wouldn’t stick with the program and I was worried that I would feel judged if I didn’t eat properly but the coaches were there to help me and give me suggestions to keep me from struggling.”

Reservations aside, with guidance Jardi soon learned that accountability and discipline looked a lot different than she had originally anticipated. With the support of her nutrition coach, she was able to embrace the flexibility and awareness that comes with changing food intake, and how enjoyable it can be! 

“{I didn’t expect} that I would enjoy the process! I joined thinking it would be good for me but I thought it would be chore. I was wrong!” 

” Mission Nutrition is a good program. I’m so glad I started. With the program, I am able to eat way more calories than I thought I would. Now that I’ve been doing it awhile I feel good and can see the results, making it easy to keep going. This program has been one of the best things for me!!”

Jardi, like many others, assume that starting with a nutrition coach is going to be a burden, but it’s quite the opposite. We help our clients learn that eating well doesn’t have to be that hard. We show them the path and help them along the bumps in the road. Through this, they learn they can eat way more than they once thought when trying to achieve a fat loss goal. It really blows their mind when we have them go through the reverse diet protocol and see how much they can eat and NOT gain it back!

We couldn’t be more thrilled with Jardi’s results here at Fitness Lair. Not only has she improved the quality of her day to day life, but she is now able to compete in her sport that she loves – Ranch Horse Versatility and Reined Cow Horse! How cool is that?!

Interested in making changes in your own life around nutrition and wellness? Book a free into HERE to chat with a coach about our variety of programs! 

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