“Something I find the most successful for me is all the self-love and confidence I’ve gained with this program along with starting CrossFit! I was so unhappy with myself before and hated who I was, now I’m so happy and I’ve learned to love myself and appreciate my body for all it’s done for me. […] I was a very uncontrolled diabetic and I was so unhealthy. Now I can manage my blood sugar with just a healthy lifestyle!”
Kendall is one amazing and inspiring woman! She started Mission Nutrition in May 2018 and has worked so hard for success! Not only did she start CrossFit (Pure Athletics in P.A.) throughout this journey and is killing it there, she has been taken off of diabetic medication and her blood sugars have been stable!
She is a dedicated, loving and positive soul who I love to hear from each and every week! Helping out a fellow diabetic is near and dear to my heart as my dad has been diabetic for years so watching her go through this journey without medication makes me so proud!
She started out in a Keto Diet but was feeling plateaued and looking for a balanced lifestyle when she reached out to Mission Nutrition. Even with her being diabetic we have been adding carbs into her diet slowly while managing weight loss and sugar stability. She a hard-working woman while working night and day shifts at the hospital; she uses NO excuses, follows her plan each week, and takes every piece of advice and runs with it full force!
I am so thankful to be apart of her journey and I can’t wait to see where the next year takes her! She has made a total life transformation and has learned solid habits and balance without restriction that will make this a long term change for her!
My favourite moment with a Kendall was this past summer when she went on vacation and made a huge fitness goal become a reality! She stated in her email “We did the Myra Canyon bike trail which was a 24km bike ride, it was pretty easy for the most part, but before I would’ve never done that mostly because I wouldn’t have been able to finish it.” This made me SO happy to hear as she was able to experience real-life things that her weight would have previously stopped her from experiencing ❤️
-Coach Jenna
Please read on to hear about Kendall’s story:
What results have you seen from Mission Nutrition, where are you with your goals?
I have seen many results from Mission Nutrition! Not only with my weight loss, but with my new mindset with how I view food. I am very close to my weight loss goal! I’m just 2lbs away from my original goal, but I know once I do hit my goal I’m still not finished! Im going to continue to strive to push myself further and I can’t wait to see where MN will continue to take me!
What have you learned from this program?
I have learned that carbs aren’t bad for you when eaten in moderation and when consumed healthily! I now view food as fuel for our body. I am 1000% firm believer now that if we fuel our bodies with garbage, that you’re going to feel like garbage. Now that I’m obsessed with CrossFit, I try to fuel my body before and after the tough workouts that I love. Before, I didn’t know what food portioning was or when to stop eating. Now, I finally found a healthy relationship with food that I never used to have.
Was this program a big learning curve for you or were you close just needed to final puzzle piece to your nutrition?
This program was definitely a big learning curve for me. Weighing and having everything planned out was difficult at first, but it’s definitely a part of my everyday routine now and I couldn’t imagine not doing it, it’s just part of my day now.
Is there anything you learned or did anything happen while on MN that was unexpected?
I learned how much your weight can fluctuate overnight depending on your lifestyle, water and salt intake, hormones, or how much sleep you get in a night. I work as an RN in L&D and the nursery where it can get very busy! This also means I work shift work which could affect my weight a ton. I noticed that when working nights, my weight trends upwards.
Something very unexpected to happen to me while doing Mission Nutrition was that I started to love cooking and making new foods!
What do you specifically like the most?
I love how flexible it is! If I want to have a snack, as long as it fits within my macros and I can make it work in my day I’m free to do it ????
How important did you feel the accountability with your coach was to your success?
So important! If I didn’t have to do a weekly check-in, I think that I wouldn’t be able to hold myself accountable. Having someone to talk to weekly was also nice, I really appreciate Jenna’s kindness and patience with me. She has given me so many suggestions and answers any questions I have and all of her suggestions help me in some sort of way. She is amazing!
Did/do you have any struggles?
Travelling is definitely a struggle, but that doesn’t mean all your hard work should be thrown out the window. It takes a lot of planning, making healthier choices when eating out, and if you’re able to make some of your own meals/snacks that makes it so much easier!
How did this program differ from others you may have tried?
I found before when I would try to diet, I would always fail because I would either be starving and end up binging or I wouldn’t see the results I wanted so I would just give up on myself. Mission Nutrition is a huge lifestyle change that is definitely sustainable and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else for my nutrition!
Did you have any hesitations about signing up? Were you reluctant about anything?
My sister did Mission Nutrition and was very successful. I knew she really enjoyed doing it so it was a push for me to want to do it. I thought that the check-ins would be meaningless and impersonal, but that’s not what they are at all! They are very personal and I found I gained a friendship and an awesome rapport with Jenna. I love seeing what she has to say week to week!
Aesthetics and clothes fitting better aside, what other things have you noticed with your success in our program?
I am Type 2 Diabetic and my numbers are now completely normal and I’m off medications for good! I was a very uncontrolled diabetic and I was so unhealthy. Now I can manage my blood sugar with just a healthy lifestyle!
I never thought that healthy eating and fitness would be such a huge part of my life. Living a healthy lifestyle has had such a huge impact on my life and who I am now. So thank you for introducing me to this lifestyle.
Something I find the most successful for me is all the self-love and confidence I’ve gained with this program along with starting CrossFit! I was so unhappy with myself before and hated who I was, now I’m so happy and I’ve learned to love myself and appreciate my body for all it’s done for me.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Mission Nutrition and counting macros is the BEST and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking to start a healthy and sustainable lifestyle! If you work shift work like me, meal prepping will SAVE your life! Lastly, the coaches are incredible and if you want ice cream…you can have it!
–Kendall Parenteau