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Kadence’s Off-Ice Training Takes Her Game To The Next Level

Off-season strength and conditioning is a crucial component for athletes looking to elevate their performance and gain a competitive edge in their sport.

While in-season is the time to maintain fitness and practice your sport, off-season is the time to get a big step above the rest by building strength, speed, and metabolic conditioning in short-interval type training like CrossFit, that mimics that of the sprint-like efforts in team sports.

For hockey players—and athletes in other sports as well, off-season conditioning helps build strength and stability helping prevent injuries by addressing muscle imbalances that may not be targeted or even created during in-season play. 

This period offers an opportunity to focus on specific areas of weakness, refine skills, and improve overall fitness without the pressure of game performance. 

In short, off-season training isn’t about just improving fitness; it’s about laying the groundwork for greater performance when the competitive season rolls around. It cannot be argued that strength and conditioning in the off-season can yield a real benefit to any competitive sport.

It’s usually visually obvious which players are training outside of the arena.

One such athlete stands out to us here at Fitness Lair, as we reflect on the summer season and how Kadence implemented her determination and admirable work ethic to her athletic goals in off-ice training. With a passion for hockey and a competitive spirit, Kadence made a huge impression on anyone who shared gym space with her as she determinedly worked to walk into her 2024 season in the best shape of her life. 


Three years ago the goal of attending group classes at the Lair wasn’t with hockey in mind, but bonding with her Momma, Crystal, and joining a close-knit community. 

“ I joined because my mom was going and I wanted to be able to do something with her.” 

Crystal, Kadence’s Mom, was no stranger to the variety of workouts that we see here at Fitness Lair in the CrossFit group class. She began hauling her teenager out of bed in at 6:30am to workout alongside her and never did we hear her grumble or complain.

It was no time at all before the benefits began to outweigh the early morning grind, and Kadence was seeing improvements across the board. Now, with support from the overall community she began hitting workouts with goals towards strength, endurance, and reaping the overall benefit being active enhances in day to day life. 

‘My energy during my days has significantly improved as well as my mood. I have made so many new friends at the gym and my social circle has gotten a lot bigger.  My confidence has increased drastically and I feel a lot better with my body as well as how I go about my everyday life.’

It wouldn’t be long before those benefits shaped into more targeted goals.

I wanted to get physically stronger and fit and also have better endurance.  I wanted to stay/get in shape for all of my sports I play. ” 


With a well rounded routine and hitting consistent classes, Kadence established a solid foundation of fitness on top of her busy athletic schedule. Pairing CrossFit with a variety of extracurricular sports began to cultivate a base of fitness that Kadence would be able to build on as hockey became more involved and more competitive. Variation in workouts, strength training, endurance, and cardio vascular conditioning can significantly improve stamina and endurance. Kadence’s game benefitted.

‘My energy during my days has significantly improved as well as my mood. My strength and  endurance on the ice and in the gym has improved a lot more.”

Over the summer months of 2024 Kadence signed with the AAA Regina Rebels. This opportunity and advancement to a more competitive level in her hockey career found Kadence focusing on training and conditioning during classes, throughout the off season.

It was with great pride the Fitness Lair family watched Kadence work hard at her program, enjoying her company and celebrating her physical gains. 

In the Fall of 2024, Kadence billeted in Regina, joining her new team. She has since enrolled in a School-based hockey Academy- Playing with other athletes playing high calibre hockey. 

Although on to exciting prospects- Kadence’s presence is missed during class. A feeling she finds mutual:

“The gym has made me feel comfortable to act the way I want when I’m dancing around with Jenna or trying to hit a new personal record and struggling. There’s always someone there to cheer you on and push you to get that bar up. It’s my home away from home and I’ve missed the community every day since I’ve moved.”

Kadence’s determination and passion for her sport are undeniable. By dedicating time to building a solid foundation of strength, speed, and agility during the offseason, her return to her most competitive season yet provided her to be not just in better shape, but also provided her the mental resilience and sharpness needed to outpace the competition and set her up for success with her new team. 

We wish Kadence all the best in her pursuit of excellence and are excited to see where this path takes her!

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